To view a sample property tax bill, click here.
Notable Elements in a Property Tax Bill
1. Account Number – This is a unique number assigned to each property. Please refer to this number if you have any questions.
2. Legal Description – Verify the legal description. If any errors are found, notify the Property Appraiser’s Office immediately.
3. Property Owner(s) – Verify the ownership. If you have sold this property, forward the notice to the new owners or return it to the Tax Collector’s Office.
4. Mailing Address – If your mailing address has changed, the Property Appraiser’s Office advises that you complete a U.S. Postal Service National Change of Address Form. Do not write on the bill.
5. Total Taxes And Assessments – No discounts have been subtracted from this amount. See boxes on bottom of bill for the correct amount to pay.
6. Amount Due – Pay only one amount. The totals in each box already reflect the discount.
7. Delinquent Tax Due – If this message appears on your bill, back taxes are due. Contact the Tax Collector’s Office.